Yeah, a SPARC10 will run Solaris 8, but I wouldn't
even consider running CDE
on it. My friend runs a SPARCStation 5 (a newer machine) and says it's
almost unusuable, he's gonna slide back to 2.6. I picked this stuff up from
I'm running a Sparc 2 w/96MB of RAM with 2.6 and CDE. It's usable, though
a bit slow to start stuff up. Before I was able to get the extra 32MB in
there though you could forget Netscrape, but with 96MB even Netscape's
Of course since I have a 60Mhz RS/6000 on my desk at work and refuse to
give it up for a state of the art single or dual processor PC my opinions
of acceptable speed might be a little outside the norm :^)
Remember for most things stability is more important that speed.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh(a) (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh(a) (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |