I can't
help with your question, but you may want to post it on
Yes, that was going to be my next move....as you say they're VERY helpful
over there!!
Heres a PS2/50z question.
Mine only has 1meg, looks like 72pin simm but none I have seem work.
All of them happen to be 8x32 (16chip).
There is only one SIMM socket. What is the limit for ram (max)?
Where can I get something bigger than 1mb?
As my internal network progresses this box has value as I have a SMC 10bt
NIC for it. I figure OS/2 warp V3 or Win3.1 would be a good os for it.
Being 286 there are few unix based OSs with a networking that run well on
That and its just too silly not to.