Tony Duell wrote:
I am typing
this on a much hacked 8MHz IBM PC/AT, and it has BASIC in ROM.
What *exactly* are you using here?
IBM PC/AT case, PSU, motherboard. A 486 kludgeboard in the 286 socket. A
couple of extra EPROMs and a TTL chip to cause the former to be overlayed
over the end of the BIOS to modify the hard disk table.
An IBM memory expansion board. Started life as a 128K card, I figured out
(this is not in the Techref) that in fact it could be used with 256K*1
chips + populating the extra IC locations, to make a 1M card. Did so
A 3rd party 4M RAM card
A 3rd party card with more RAM (128K to bring the base memory up to 640K
+ another 1.5M), 2 serial ports, 1 parallel port
An IBM MDA card + monitor
A Colourgraph+ enhanced CGA card.
A IDE + floppy card. Modified wiht a bit of stripboard and a couple of
TTL chips to provide a drive-in-use LED for the iDE port. Connected to
the original IBM 1.2M drive and a Teac 1.44M drive.