--- Frank McConnell <fmc(a)reanimators.org> wrote:
... unless, of course, your operators are fun-loving
sorts who
like to throw write rings at each other and relish the opportunity to
throw something that looks similar when it's moving fast but is a bit
less flexible.
We never threw the packing rings, but since we did ship software to
customers on magtape, we had *cartons* of write rings.
Fridays, starting at about 16:45, from one corner of the cube space
or another... zing... then it was like a cloud of cicadias - the
air filled with yellow rings. I used to use a 3' cardboard tube as
a launcher - I could get a ring 4 or 5 cubes away.
The end to our write-ring wars came when, after a particularly fierce
battle, I grabbed a 3 cu ft box *full* and climbed onto my desk, then
slowly along the tops of the cube walls (not modular furniture, hard
walls made of 2"x4"s and sheet rock, 6' tall) and dumped the entire
box on an unsuspecting combatant.
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