On Tuesday 07 May 2002 19:54, you wrote:
I don't use simulators as the major design tool
because simulators have
no connection to the real world
Now, if I asked you do design something and you came
back with just
simulator results I'd tell you to go away and actually build the darn
I demoed oregano for a chum.
A tube circut with values for about 30 mhz, Class C, PI output.
almost identical to the output stage of my first kilowatt
I built at age 14.
"Could i build that and it would work?" he asked
It was a difficult concept to explain that the working
drawing and the correct values and conditions
being simulated was rather short of the information
needed to create it in real life.
For this amp, where/how you place the parts is as
important as what the parts are and their connectons.
the cabinet work and how RF tight is your screening,
nutralization feedback, im sure ive missed something.
Virtual power supplies dont even sag like real ones do
nor do they couple ripple exerted by the output load
back to your rather annoyed small signal stuff.
Its almost as empty as porn simulating sex,
you can see what is happening and how
its being done but unless its real you dont
get the feel. heh
That some things are missing from a "simulator"
are not always bad.
Xtrs totaly lacks the realism of the mainboard microphonics
and the behavior of that expansion box cable when it got dirty
and those floppies where every write was a time to pray.
ive never seen a trs80 so stable. ;=)