On 10 May 2012 at 15:45, Steven Hirsch wrote:
You mean that wasn't a joke? Holy Sh*t.
I would ask the rhetorical question as to whether there are really
folks stupid enough to buy $3k USB cables. But, after being on this
earth for 60 years I think I already know the answer.
Heck yeah! At least for $3.6Kbucks you get a hunk of wire that may
actually do something.
I take a perverse delight in seeing how some can capitalize on some
fast talking or another's lack of the ability to think clearly.
Right now, one of the "hot" areas is cold fusion-ish projects:
One is right in Fred's back yard:
The Europeans are at it too:
The first in Greece, the second in Italy. So, if you're curious,
just crank up the Steorn Orbo and motor on over for a visit...