I got beat (or rather just beat myself) out of a
beautiful color NCR
PC4. Most people would say big deal, but I wanted the damned thing! Just
THis is not a machine I am familiar with.
another peecee, ay? HA! Anyway I do have in my
possession 3 mono
versions, in various states of having pooped
the bed. I think what I might do one of these days in replace the whole
monitor chassis w/something more likable (i.e color). Not OEM stuff,
Now that is somethign that I would never do. I always want to keep a classic
machine as close to the origianl design as possible. This means replacing
the smallerst part I can with something electrically identical (r at
least similar)..
just anything that'll handle whatever card I use
to generate the color
Beats blowing glass tubes. Winding transformers isn't so bad, but
still, ick!
Depends on the transformer. Winding things like horizotnal driver
transformers is not hard at all. Flybacks ara pain becuase you
essentailly have to vacuum-impregnate them to prevent breakdown amd I
don't have the gear to do that. On the other hand, I beleive the model IC
engine fraternity make their own ignition coils (or some of them do
anyway) and vacuum-impregnate them, so it must be possible to do at home.
One day I will look into it.
of course when making a flylback the second problem is working out how
many turns to put on, etc. IF the old one is 'potted' in epoxy, you can't
unwind it and count turns as you can on normal transformers. The number
of turns is rarely given in the service manual either :-( (but the manaul
for my logic analyser does include that info for the flyback...)