I've started messing around with a GRiDPAD 1910 I
got a couple of years ago. Works fine on AC using
the brick that came with it, but the two battery
packs I got with it are dead. They won't take a
charge, either in the machine or connected directly
to the brick (they have a socket for this). The specs
printed on the batteries list 12 volts, 1Ah. I opened
one of the packs and the contents look very much like
10 AA batteries.
I'm wondering if I can replace the contents of the
battery pack with 10 AAs. The specs printed on the AC
brick say it produces 17.25 volts at 2A. If I replace
the contents of the battery pack with 10 AAs, I figure
I'll get around 15 volts. Anybody want to hazard a
guess as to whether this will work?
Bill Sudbrink