Build a Mac IIci a fire, and it's warm for the night. Set a Mac IIci on
fire, and it's warm for the rest of it's life :)
Bob Lafleur wrote:
I have a Mac Iici that won't power up. It worked
when I last used it about a
month ago. Now, if I press the power switch on the ADB device (I'm using an
ADB to PS/2 mouse/keyboard converted and Mac to VGA converter, which has a
power ON switch on it) or the power button on the back, nothing.
I swapped power supplies with a working power supply from another Mac Iici,
but that didn't fix it.
I removed the CPU accellerator card and the NUBUS cards, but it still
wouldn't power up.
Probably a dead motherboard? I suppose I could transfer my hard drive and
memory to the other Iici I have, but it has broken SIMM holders so I'd have
to shim the chips with folded paper. I think one of the broken holders is
the first one, so that makes it hard to shim.
Any other ideas of things I can try to revive this Iici? Thanks.
- Bob