I've met programmers who 'design' like
that as well -- they
type in some code, then fiddle with loop limits, ands versus ors,
etc until the program gives the 'right answers' on the test values. Is it
any wonder some programs contain bugs..
When I first started in programming (1977), we had to create *complete*
technical design documents before a single line of code was written. This
included technical specs, data diagrams, flowcharts, screen shots, etc...
About 6 weeks ago, I was evaluating a fairly complex software project and
and asked the engineer to provide a flowchart of how the application worked.
He stated that he didn't see the value of a flowchart and that it would slow
down the development process. In his opinion, it was much easier to just
read the code.
I was tempted to kick his ass, but decided the best way to handle this was
to prove the value of proper documentation. So, I waded through his code,
found the most complex module, and created a comprehensive flowchart of just
that module.
Now the fun part... I got the engineer, his supervisor, our VP of
technology, and another non-technical co-worker (whom had never seen the
project) together for a quick quiz. I gave the flowchart to the
non-technical person and started asking the group fundimental questions
like; "how many parameters are passed to and from the module", "what
if an out-of-bounds value is passed", "what is the exact sequence of events
when..." blah, blah, blah. Almost instantly, the non-technical person was
able to answer the questions while the two engineers waded through hundreds
of lines of code.
Within 30 minutes, I was able to totally embarrass the engineer *and* his
supervisor in front of the VP.
Shoulda kicked his ass anyway... ;-)
Steve Robertson <steverob(a)hotoffice.com>