How much does a "bare" 11/23 do, however?
What do you use for mass storage?
(I did say I was totally ignorant of PDPs.)
I think a related question is 'What will a PDP11/23 do that I can't do
with my existing machines'.
There are some pretty good PDP11 emulators, so I guess if you want to run
the DEC OSes and related software you could do it one those rather than
on the 'real' machine.
OK, a PDP11/23 will let you talk to real Q-bus peripehrals. For mass
storage, most people use a ST412-interfaced winchsseter drive on these
machines. There are SCCI interface boards, but they're expensive. You can
get SMD controlelrs, but I suspect that gets you into the 'too large'
category fast.
Waht this mahcine _won't_ do is have a blinkenlights panel. Nor will it
really let you 'get inside' the CPU. The CPU is a couple of custom ICs,
Pwersonally, I'd go for an 11/34 (with a keypad panel) or an 11/44 (no
front panel, but an emulator in the CPU control processor ROM that lets
you do frontpanel fucntions using a serial terminal). These machines have
CPUs built from TTL, PROMs, PLAs, etc and you can spend many a long light
with one and a logic analyser...