I'm not saying it's worth 100k. Maybe it is though. Apple I can go for
more. Pretty sure there are more of them around . Still that isn't scrap
of any sort. Looks in great shape to me. Be great to have the cards
but, in the end I don't think it matters for something like this.
That is a very rare bit of computer and cold war technology there. If I
could afford to buy it I would. From what I read these were pretty much
the last nuclear missile technology to make it out into the public. I am
not 100% sure they couldn't swoop down and take it back if they wanted
to. Like moon rocks there are some things they can just take back. It
is just if they feel like bothering. That might be a concern when paying
a $100k for it.
On 3/5/2012 1:57 AM, jim s wrote:
Yes, it is. It is a sad reminder that magnesium is a
very active
metal, and you should take care of it.
Did you see any cards? The one(s) I have access to have all of
theirs, and actually work.
If you want to have the equivalent to a backplane and very expensive
scrap, as I said...
I emailed just in case the drum unit was not de-miled. The drums that
I've found with others helping (just reports on the items) all have
the casing, but no drum disk. Not clear if the drum is intact in this
unit, but if it is, then the value is all in the drum for someone who
has the unit already.
One photo has what appears to be the drum assembly, but the entire
state of preservation is horrible for the unit and may not be useful.
That said, the connectors appear to have all been pulled on the the
drum, and are dangling (and are in bad shape). So it may have been
pulled, demiled or messed with in the past and be useful.
I am cash poor, but would love to have the drum if it is intact with
the guts.