On Sun, 7 Apr 2013, craig at
solomonson.net wrote:
I ran across some old computer art from the 1970's
while sorting through
some old boxes in storage. It seems like nearly every computer lab and room
had a few posters hanging on the wall. As I recall, Snoopy was probably the
most popular subject along with "space stuff." I just had to piece these old
posters together and see what I had printed back in 1981. It turns out that
at least 2 of them were from the Princeton University Computer Center Clinic
and done by Samuel P. Harbison in 1973.
Thanks for posting those, Craig. I hadn't seen the Golden Gate before
- I don't suppose you still have the card deck for that?
I tracked down Sam Harbison a couple of years ago, and he responded to
my note with a nice explanation of process he used:
Mike Loewen mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Old Technology