I have a very strong suspicion that the answer to this is going to be 'no',
but I figured I'd do due diligence and ask...
I have a backplane (one of the rodent barn group) which has a couple of finger
contacts in the backplane missing. (Two came out while I was cleaning it - and
I wasn't being hard on them, they must have been eaten away by the same kind
of chemical action that lifted traces off the boards.)
Is there any way to replace broken/missing finger contacts? I would _guess_
'no', since it looks like the backplane blocks (the things cast out of dark
green plastic, which looks like Bakelite - anyone know exactly what it is,
BTW?) are cast around them (since there's a wire-wrap pin on one side, and a
finger contact on the other).
If the answer _is_ 'no', no biggie - all except one are on one SPC slot, and
it's a 9-slot backplane, so we'd lose one SPC slot - not the end of the world.
The other pin is in the UNIBUS in/out area (1/9AB), _but_ the antique hardware
gods are smiling on us, it's a ground pin (of which the UNIBUS connector
pinout has multiple, so we can probably withstand the loss of one).
Thanks in advance for any help!