This is too cool. Advertised in the Dec/82 issue of Computers &
Electronics, there's an ad on page 67 for a game for the TS-1000/ZX-81
called Krakit. It's a puzzle type adventure game. What makes it special
is that the publisher put up a $20,000 prize for the first person who
could crack it.
"KRAKIT consists of 12 clues on a ready-to-run ZX81 or TS1000 cassette
tape (16k RAM). The answer to each clue is the name of a country, or a
city or town, and a number. If you are the first qualified entrant to
solve all 12 clues and declared the winner, you receive two tickets to the
city of the secret KRAKIT vault location. When you arrive at that
location, a check for a minimum amount of $20,000.00 (U.S.) will be
presented to you. The amount of the prize money is augmented weekly."
Has anyone ever heard of this? Did anyone ever crack it?
This game was published by International Publishing & Software Inc. It
seems like an awful lot of money for a relatively unknown outfit to be
offering. I wonder if it wasn't all just a sham, i.e. one of the clues
was so hard as to be impossible to solve :)
If anyone has this game I'd like to have a copy of it.
Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Looking for a six in a pile of nines...
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