I think that the PDT-11/150 should boot a regular RT-11 floppy, shouldn't it? I recall
seeing one or two drivers related to the PDT-11 listed last time I did a sysgen. The RX02
on my PDP-11/03 system isn't working reliably yet, so I can't build a floppy for
you at the moment. :(
I have a pair of incomplete PDT-11 systems that I'm hoping to build at least one
working system from. I don't recall whether they're marked as PDP-11/110 or
PDT-11/130. They're the style with the card cage and a dual TU58 drive mounted inside
a VT100 case. One is missing the backplane. The other is missing a metal frame behind the
backplane and the plastic cover over the card cage. Both are missing the com port card
that plugs in to the VT100 motherboard, and neither has the card support bars. I should be
able to fabricate a com port card replacement if necessary.
Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at nf6x.net>