I'm really only interested in photographing
computers and circuit boards,
I assume anything that can handle that to my satisfaction will be able
to handle the occasional photo of my niece and nephews, etc.
I'm shopping too, but disagree with the above. 640x480 is fine for just
about anything you want to do on the web, ads, illustrative pictures, etc.,
but just doesn't cut it for anything you might want to print out or
otherwise manipulate like I expect to use in "normal" photography.
I want a true 1024x768 or better pixels, optical zoom, then it gets
technical on which storage formats and connections it supports. A Kodak
DC265 looks pretty nice, but I don't want to spend that much and prices are
dropping, so I am waiting.
BTW keep in mind for an extra $15 or so you can request a photoCD when you
develope most rolls of film, or just scan prints yourself.