Just a thought To Whom It Concerns:
Since I'm a publisher with a pretty good set up here for both paper and
electronic publishing. I'd like to offer anyone who desires such
services as creation of PDF files, typesetting, editing or organizing
any documents to contact me.
I can usually do most straight forward things like create PDF from ascii
text in a couple of minutes. Editing, formatting, whathave you, takes
more time.
I'm not interested in charging for this, unless you are trying to make
some money on a project and need an editor/publisher. Regardless, I
don't mind helping out.
If you need a hand with anything, please contact me through the list or
personally at:
We've started a web page for documents that's still in its infancy at:
Our goal is to put every living available document there... might be
ambitious. I'll be happy to post documents there as a service if you
need a place.
-Mike Allison