While browsing through my usual electronics surplus haunts today in St.
Louis, I came across the following items for sale in a local shop. I have no
interest in them, but thought someone here might? If so, email me off-list.
Heath Computer Systems model H-101-20. This system looks vaguely like an
HP85 case, but no internal monitor. Might be pre-PC, but could be an x86 dos
system too - I have no idea.
Radio Shack DWP-210 printer. Has a manual with it.
Neither of these items had a price tag on them yet, but from past experience
I'd say this store would likely be tagging it around $40 for the puter and
$15 for the printer - I'm just guessing here. Don't know if either item
works, but I wouldn't mind going back and testing if someone can tell me
what to test on them. If anyone is interested, let me know off list what
your target and max price is and I'll go haggle for ya, or if you'd prefer,
put you in contact with the store directly. I wouldn't tack on any
additional cost except whatever shipping costs to you.
Jay West