With putty it might not be obvious where the serial options are. Select
the serial radio button and then click on "Serial" on the Category list on
the left side.
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Marc Howard <cramcram at gmail.com> wrote:
You're looking at 7 bit ASCII with MARK parity.
Try using putty (
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html). Set
the correct baud rate and set for 7 bits, 1 stop bit and MARK parity. If
you're using the linux version of putty you can only set mark parity from
the command line or by editing a saved cfg file (The Mark and Space options
are missing from the setting window on linux for some reason).
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Marco Rauhut <marco at familie-rauhut.eu>wrote:
Hello together,
the restoration of my PDP-8 and TU56 going forward. Many PDP 8 machine
tests are OK. The TU56 come slowly back to life.
My current problem is, that i do not own a ASR33. Or is it no Problem?
I testet the M8655 with the echo and printer test like in the smal
computers handbook described. All is working fine. I see readable
characters in cutecom on my linux desktop. With the cutecom i also send the
binloader and the testprograms to the PDP8. There i have no problems too.
But... some maindec testsoftware is doing printouts on the Teletype witch i
canot read on cutecom. Exactly the same happens, if i bootstrap software
witch come on tape with the tapedrive.
Exampe hexdump of the output from software on tape (generated with
00000000: 00 ff bf b0 b0 ae b0 b0 20 c0 20 b1 b1 ae b3 b0
00000010: 20 8d 8a aa aa c7 8d 8a 8d 8a 8d 8a 8d 8a c4 c5
00000020: c3 d4 c1 d0 c5 a0 d3 d9 d3 d4 c5 cd a0 c4 d4 a3
00000030: b4 8d 8a 8d 8a c2 c9 ce c1 d2 d9 a0 cd cf ce c9
Is there an existing software witch can act like a ASR33 for typing and
printing , or i got to write my own ?
Many thanks to all who help me again and again.....
Marco Rauhut
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