has the tools just no idea how to use
my scope is a hp 1703A been able to get a line to display but never been
able to get it to give me a reading youtube videos have allways left me
scratching me head
Before you use the 'scope to check for supply line ripple, I would check
the DC votlage of all the suppl lines using a multimeter.
I asusme you have a digital multimeter rather than an analogue one, but I
have no idea which one you hve and whether it has automatic or manual
range selection. But the procedure is muc hte same in all cases.
If it's an autoranging meter, switch it to the DC votlage (DCV) setting.
If it's a manual range meter, switch it to a DC voltage range highr than
the rail you awnat ot check, but not too high. Most meters have ranges
2V, 20V, 200V. The 20V ranges is the one you want for most computer PSU
voltage tests.
Connct the black lead of the meter to the computer 0V (logic ground)
rail. In most DEC machbines this is connected to the metal casing.
Touch the red probe onto the power rail you want to test with the machine
turned on. Finding the power rails is the major problem, actually. You
might use the pwoer pins of an IC on one of the boards. Or a pin on the
connector between the power suypply and the backplane.
Read the votlage on the meter :-).
Now for 'scopes. I don;t know your 'scope (I prefer Tektronix...), but
all 'scopes have simialr features. I would try to get the manual for the
'scope you have, it may well be on the Agilent website (they are putting
up scans of a lot of their older instrument manuals). However, most test
instument manuals assume you already know the basic principles of using
such an instrument amd just explain the features of that particular one.
The older non-digital CRT-based 'scope is a fairly simple instrument, and
modern digital 'scopes have generally beed designed to work in much the
same wayy for the user. The basics are :
The electron beam in the CRT makes a bright dot on the screen. There are
obvious controls for controlling the brightness and shapness (focus and
astigmatism) of the spot.
The input signal moves the spot vertically. There will be an intenral
amplifier which will have a gain control calrated in 'volts per cm' or
something similar (sometimes 'volters per division where a 'division' is
one the squares on the graticule on the front of the CRT). If you wet
that to 2V/cm and the spot moves by 2.4cm high on the screen, then that
means the input is 4.8V
Horizotnally, the spot is moved by a 'ramp' voltage from an internal
timebase circuit. It moves from left to right at a constant speed and
then quickly flies back to the left and repeats. The speed is controlled
by a control calibrated in 'ms/cm' or something similar.
Thus the 'scope ploits and displays a graph of the input voltage against
time. You can m,easure the time between parts of the waveform (say time
between peaks) or the votlage between parts of the waveform
There are 2 other fauters that need mentioning. The first is the tirgger
sicut. The purpose of that is to make the timebase wait for a particular
input voltage (and the right direction of change) of the input signal.
The idea is that assumign the input signal is repetitive, the timebase
will start on a corresponding point of the wavefor each time, so you will
get a steady trace on the screen that you can easily view ans
makemeasueemtns from (as an aside, the purpose of storage 'scopes,
whether analoge or digital, is to be able to hadnle non-repetitive
waveforms. You effectively record the waveform for one sweep of the
timebace and display it for evermore).
The oterh feature is 'AC coupling' Most 'scopes have a swixch in thge
vertical section for htis. It has the same effect as connecting a
capacitor in series iwth the input signal (in fact in most caes that's
what it really does). It removees the steady DC component of the inptu
signal and only lets the AC part through to the amplifier. For example,
suppose you have 100V supply rail with 0.1V ripple on it, and you want
to look at the ripple. To display that supply rail, you probably have to
set the Y amplifier to 50V/cm, which means the ripples is 0.02mm high.
You can't see that. If you switch to AC coupling, the steady 100V is
ignored, so you can turn up the gain of the Y amplifer, perhaps to
0.1V/cm at which point the ripple is easy to see.
A word about probes. Most times you use a proper 'scope probe. This has a
gorund lead which is actually conencted to mains earth throguh the 'scope
so you can't connect it to just any point in the circuit. However,
connecting it to the logic ground rail is fine (and what youshould do).
Do not however assupe that the conenction through the mains earth is
enough (and that you cna ignore the ground lead), it may be OK for low
frequencies, but at high frequences the inducatance of that path through
the mains earth wires is enough to mess up the display.
Most 'scope probles sau '*10' or somethign similar on them. This means
they attenuate the signal by a factor of 10. If you set the 'scope to
0.5V/cm when using such a probe the real sensitivity is 5V/cm. There are
good reason ofr having this attenuation in the probe, mainly reducing the
effectif ogf the capacitance of the cable to the 'scope on the circuit
under test.
Will that get you started?