At 07:44 PM 12/18/2012, you wrote:
On 12/18/2012 08:36 PM, Jason T wrote:
out of curiosity, is anyone aware of the possible existence
of LVD/SE SCSI (e.g. HD68) over UTP (RJ45) extenders? I'm aware
that one normally goes for FC, or a SCSI<=>FC bridge, but those
tend to be rather pricey.
If you mean actually electrically extending SCSI, I haven't seen such
a thing. I guess my first question would be: how many wires, out of
the 50 or more pins present on its connectors, does SCSI use? If it's
more than the eight in an RJ45-ended cable, then I don't see how it
would work.
That's not an would serialize the data and likely run
it with LVDS.
Look how few lines a PCI-Express card has. (per lane) That's what's
done there.
Likewise SATA. But regular SCSI has tight timing
requirements. So did IDE (PATA) which is why SATA
was developed. They kept running into
roadblocks in the form of tighter and tighter
timing trying to speed up IDE, so they did away
with all that and serialized it.
Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA
854 . [Government]"No man's life, liberty, or
property is safe while the legislature is in
session." (Judge Gideon J. Tucker, 1866.)
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