Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 16 Jun 2009 at 14:21, Jules Richardson wrote:
I'm sure a recording of line printers etc.
can be found and played
back at many decibels. I can set you up in our barn in the middle of
MN with a supply of potato chips and laptop running the emulator if
you want - how does next Jan sound? I'll even show up periodically and
yell at you about being behind schedule.
Bring a bunch of roaches, mice and crickets too, just to complete the
sense of "atmosphere".
Mice and crickets I can do - not sure about roaches, but maybe the vast number
of ticks in the woods can act as stand-ins?
Not to mention psycopathic co-workers...
Those are in short supply here, thankfully - I think you'll have to pack your
own... :-)