--- "Zane H. Healy"
<healyzh(a)aracnet.com> wrote:
All I
wanted was a way with nothing but Windows to read a VMS
distro disc. I am now firmly convinced that no such thing is
possible without buying *some* piece of software.
Did you check
like I'd suggested?
I passed the information along to him. He told me that he found a
reference to a likely utility (makeimage?) but could not find it
to download. Could that be the magic util?
That bit of info, coupled with Google, turned up the needed info. What you
need is the following Zip file mkimage_vax.zip Unfortuantly it's been
removed from the website. I'll try and find it tonite, hopefully I've still
got a copy.
In the mean time, you might want to check:
http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/ it has a copy of dd.exe that doesn't appear
to need cgywin installed.