On Tue, 21 Sep 2004, Tom Jennings wrote:
On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 08:40, Vintage Computer Festival
This service managed to survive the dot-bomb:
It creates a drive letter on your system that is symbolically linked to
some storage space sitting on their servers.
A useful service I admit. You could implement this by simulating a
remote "mount" using an ssh tunnel, or (ugh) NFS.
I'd like to, since even at the lowest service level (5GB) I think the
$9.95 per month charge is a bit much, at least for a cheap bastard like
me. I'm not sure how secure Samba is but it would be relatively
straight-forward to setup something like this on a Linux server. A quick
web search indicates the latest versions of Samba have security features.
I wonder (only academically) how they handle privacy,
access by
authorities, etc. For data integrity, I assume they at least run RAID5
and hopefully multiply geographically diverse data centers (but I would
ask not assume if I were to use them -- and get it in writing :-)
Yeah, I would wonder the same. And if they had any agreement with law
enforcement that would be a complete deal killer for me.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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