One has to realize that all complex chips are done in Verilog or VHDL. Many old designs in
processors can be re-implemented from timing and bus diagrams.
This is no longer possible with todays processors like Intel or AMD processors. The
complexity of possible sequential events are more than is practical to try to analyze from
the pins.
One can implement an instruction set but you'll never get close to the bus activity of
current processors.
I would say that the most important part of either language is the ability to describe
the time of simultaneous events. This is unlike most programs written in C or such. Of
course, one can write a simulation language in C.
From: cctalk <cctalk-bounces at> on behalf of Chuck Guzis <cclist
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 8:24:44 AM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: CDC 6600 emulation - was Re: How do they make Verilog code for unknown ICs?
On 06/21/2016 07:25 AM, Paul Koning wrote:
On Jun 20, 2016, at 11:53 PM, Chuck Guzis
<cclist at>
Are you going for the 6600 CPU with PPU or just the CPU itself?
The whole thing. The intent is to be able to run code, and you need
PPUs for that. Besides, part of the motivation was to understand
esoteric details of how PPUs work. The PPUs are actually
straightforward; I have those running. The CPU is trickier, and of
course much larger.
I take it that your PPs use the "one ALU, ten memories" model of the
6600 and not the independent PPUs of the 7600 and 180?
Will your 6600 have an option for ECS?