When you
replace it, make sure that the wire that goes to one end of the
fuseholder goes to the live output tag on the filter. It's very clear from
Thanks, I will make sure I follow your instructions on this.
Assumingyou can easily read .pdf files, look at the printset on
bitsavers. You don;t ahve to undersntad the logic, the mains transfotmer
is easy to spot. It shows the primary side wiring, which is what yuu are
working on.
BA sizes. BA
is a strange thread used mostly on older British stuff. You
BA spanners to work on Creed teleprinters, for
Gosh, I remember BA sizes when building my KeilKraft kits as a kid and
wanting to put engines and radio control in them I never had the money for.
BA nuts ans bolts are still commonly used by model engineers over here,
amazingly. And they do turn up on electrical stuff, when I bought some
barrier strips recently, I found I could get such thins with M3.5,
6-32UNC or 4BA terminal screws.
Anyway, BS fasteners are not common in classic computer stuff, but you
will find them in old British stuff. Creeds being the most common place,
but otehr things too. I suspect old GPO modems, for example, use them
(the telephones certainly do).