Yes, indeed the term "bug" is older than th
earliest electrical computer.
As eveidence, one could check out some of the 1930s issues of QST (a
hamradio magazine), and the term shows up. If I could dig them out, I
could give you exact dates.
I think that's a different kind of bug, unless
I'm missing something... Are
you thinking of those Vibroplex(sp?) bugs? Those funny looking CW keys?
Although I suppose the other type of bug is there too, if you count
screwing up a radio circuit...
But hey, don't listen to me. I've been awake at my computer all night for
probably about 10 hours now. I drank a whole 2 liter bottle of Pepsi,
finished it off around 9-10pm, now it's almost 7am and I'm still wide
awake(and very gittery(I know THAT's not the right spelling...). And to top
it off, my fishing license expired, so I don't have anything to do but sit
here on the computer for a while longer. Maybe I'll go drag my bike out of
the basement.
-JR - Computers - Star Trek