Hello one and all.
For the past three or four years, I've actively been looking for a first
generation Wang 2200 computer. I actually have two now, mostly
working. Over the past couple of months I acquired/developed all the
technical information I needed to write an emulator.
The emulator is far from complete, but it is quite usable. Besides the
emulator, I've overhauled my Wang web site and added a lot more
content. Now that the ball is rolling, I hope to maintain it more actively.
The web site:
The emulator:
The emulator runs on win32 platforms right now, but I wrote it using a
GUI/system abstraction toolkit, wxWindows, so it should be pretty portable
to unix/linux/mac at least.
If you have no nostalgia for the 2200, why is it interesting anyway? The
first generation came out in 1973. Because it was designed before
microprocessors were available, it is a microcoded TTL box. In many ways,
it can be compared pretty fairly to home computers that came five years
later. Because it predates Microsoft, it has a rich and quirky BASIC dialect.
Unfortunately, I don't have any Wang BASIC documents online yet, but I do
have a quick comparison of Wang BASIC vs early Microsoft BASIC.
Jim Battle == frustum(a)pacbell.net