At 01:10 PM 8/7/01 -0700, you wrote:
>On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, joe wrote:
> > FWIW You could get MS-DOS versions 1.25, 2.1(something) and 3.1
the Zenith Z-100. There's also a guy out there
that wrote a program to
patch PC-DOS 4.0 to run on the Z-100.
Is there a 3.31 available for it?
Not that I know of. MS-DOS 3.1 was the highest version that Zenith
released for it. The PC-DOs 4 is a private effort by John Beyers
There was a Zenith MS-DOS 3.31+ that ran on the Z-150/Z-151;
I can probably scare it up...