The NEC uPD7201(A) and Intel 8274 have a misfeature that makes them almost
unusable with modems that employ synchronous modulation (which is almost
all common PSTN modems at bit rates of 1200 bps or higher, except bell 202
and V.23), except when an error control (e.g. MNP or V.42) used between the
modems and flow control is used between the modem and the 7201/8274.
The problem is that due to rate mismatches between the hosts, and between
the host and the modem's sychronous modulation, the receiving end modem may
receive data at a slightly higher rate than it can be sent over the
asynchronous serial line to receiving host. In order to deal with this, the
receiving modem is allowed to send the characters to the receiving host
with a stop bit that is shorter than usual. The stop bits can be as short
as 7/8 of a bit time, or (optionally for an extended signalling range,
which I've never actually uses) as short as 3/4 of a bit time.
This stop bit shaving is part of the ITU-T V.14 standard.
Most UARTs don't have any problem with it, as they typically only sample
the start bit at the middle of the expected bit time. However, the
7201/8274 looks at at least one sample in the bit time, and will consider a
shaved stop bit to be a framing error, which IIRC causes the loss of at
least the next character and usually multiple consecutive characters.
This was a huge problem with 1200 bps and 2400 bps modems on the AT&T 7300
and 3B1 "Unix PC" before the error control protocols (MNP or V.42) became
commonly available in modems.
I learned far more than I (n)ever wanted to know about V.14 when I worked
at Telebit, especially when I was in charge of adding Appletalk Remote
Access Protocol (ARAP) support to the NetBlazer router. ARAP used MNP 3 and
V.42bis compession (a non-standard configuration) on the Macintosh, and
required that any error control (MNP or V.42) and compession be disabled in
the modem. This was done because Apple engineers found at the time that
hardware flow control between the Macintosh and commodity modems was
unreliable, due to limitations of both.
We were implementing a multiline ARAP server on the NetBlazer router and
didn't have enough CPU power to do compession for more than a few lines.
Since we only officially supported use of our own modems on the NetBlazer,
the solution was for us to implement the unusual combination of MNP 3 and
V.42bis in our modems (T1600, T3000, and WorldBlazer), and rely on reliable
flow control between the router and the modem.
Running V.42bis compression used nearly all of the available CPU cycles of
the modem. We also had to deal with another aspect of V.14, stop bit
deletion, which happens when the async data to be transmitted is overspeed
with regard to the modulation. It allows the transmiting modem to
completely discard the stop bit of up to one out of eight consecutive
characters (one of four for dxtended rate), and the receiving side has to
reinsert them. Our modem used an SCC channel of the MC68302 to send clocked
asynchronous characters to the DSP bit pump (when not using V.42 error
control, and V.42 is not used when dping MNP 3). Unfortunately the SCC
channel doesn't know about V.14 stop bit deletion (or the corresponding
reinsertion on receive), so the SCC has to be used in "raw" mode rather
than clocked asynchronous mode, which means that the control CPU has to run
a software UART to convert the character stream to a suitable raw bit
stream for the SCC.
A softwate UART is a piece of cake, you might say, and normally you'd be
right. Unfortunately the modem engineers had written the world's fanciest,
all-singing, all-dancing software UART, which took nearly all of the CPU
time of the control processor. Which was normally fine, since you never
used V.42bis compression over an asynchronous data stream over the
synchronous modulation. Except, of course, when you're running V.42bis
compression over MNP 3 error control to support ARAP.
I offered to write a more efficient software UART, using under 10% of the
CPU instead of over 70%, and the modem engineers claimed that it couldn't
be done. The fundamental problem was that their software UART was in fact
doing everything a single bit at a time. To do it efficiently, you do as
much as possible a byte at a time, using a few kilobytes of data tables to
Another problem was that the modem control code was written as a series of
tasks that all were called in round-robin sequence all of the time, whether
there was anything to do or not. There was no easy way to determine CPU
utilization because you couldn't do it as the complement of the idle time
because there was no idle time to measure. Even when it was doing nothing
it was running full-tilt.
I'm told that eventually Apple switched from their wacky proprietary ARAP
protocol to PPP, with the modem doing normal V.42 error control and V.42bis
compression, but by then I had moved on to other projects that were less
Somewhat by coincidence, before working for Telebit I worked at Apple doing
QA for (among other things) the Macintosh MNP 3 and V.42 drivers used by
Appletalk Remote Access, then known by the codename "976".