No idea as to whether it was bulk-erased, but that is
starting to
sound more likely, given the above history. He has volunteered to
mail me a "real" (DEC) pack, at no additional cost - that's superb
fleabay service and definitely exceeded my expectations.
But given what you said, it could be that all the packs, including the
DEC ones have been bluk-erased :-(
There is no way to rewrite the servo information using a normal RL drive.
The formatter at the factoy had a totally different head positioner (or
so I am told) which could position the heads at particular distances from
the spindle (oviously it couldn't rely on patterns read from the back). I
was told that for some disks (I don't know if the RL's were among them),
the pposition feedback for this postiioner was provided by an optical