Tony, with your notes on the 82971A EPROM/ROM Module
switch settings I
was able to do a demonstration test of the one I have.
Excellent, I am, glad it was of use.
I used (15x) 27C256 EPROMs and built the ROM image to start at 1MB
Can you hav an odd number of ROMs? I's aseemed that since they went in
pairs (the ROMs are 8 bit wide, the Integral's data bus is of course 16
bits) you alwauys had to fit Hi_n and Lo_n together.
Or is it like the Portable+ ROM drawer, when you can fit ROMs in pairs
and then have the ability to execute programs out of ROM without copying
them into RAM, but if oyu had a single ROM you can use it to store files
(which may then be copied ito RAM and executed).
Then I used split_rom to create the 15x 27C256 EPROM
images {lo0 -
lo6, hi0 - hi6}, then use msdoscp to copy those image files to MS-DOS
I make that 14 inmages. Which is it?
It would still be nice to find a copy of
"HP82970A EPROM/ROM Software
Development Tools Users Guide" for reference.
I know I don;t have it, alas.