On Mon, 8 Aug 2011, Toby Thain wrote:
On 08/08/11 5:09 PM, Rob Jarratt wrote:
Sadly, the TIF you found does not seem to have
the information, but thanks
for looking.
As for IRC, ychat wants to install Java and I don't. For the amount of use I
would get out of IRC I don't really want to pay for a commercial copy
either. If you can suggest an IRC client that runs on Windows, that is free
because I would not use it a lot, and doesn't want to install Java or scads
of Unix compatibility software (eg Cygwin) then I am all ears.
Hm, my answer about weechat was premature, its Windows port is still
under development.
If you're stuck with Windows, how about mirc?
If you're a FireFox user, ChatZilla is a great IRC plugin.
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