Chuck Guzis wrote:
Kilobaud is a great guess!
I opened up the June 1983 Issue of Microcomputing and, on, page 138,
there's an ad for a book called "The Selectric Interface":. Quoting:
Daisy wheel quality without daisy wheel expense.
You need the quality print that a daisy wheel printer provides but the
thought of buying one makes your wallet wilt. The Selectric(tm) Interface,
a step-by-step guide to interfacing an IBM Selectric I/O writer to your
microcomputer.will give you that quality for a fraction of the price.
George Young, co-author of Microcomputing magazine's "Kilobaud Klassroom"
series, offers a low-cost alternative to buying a daisy-wheel printer.
ISBN 0-88006-051-4 $12.97 from Wayne Green, Inc.
So we know that I/O Selectrics were still plentiful enough in 1983 to
warrant publishing a book on interfacing them.
And there's one used copy listed on Amazon for $35....