can someone provide the specifics? I keep getting
badgered LOL ever since I announced I own an XT-IDE
card. The one I have is pretty simple, just some OTS
logic, but for the PAL (or is it a GAL - damn wish I
had a GAL-PAL LOLOLOLOLOL). Therefore I need to have a
way to duplicate such, so at least I can provide a
path for those that want such a card.
Of course this will involved desoldering. Not that
big a deal, I feel I can lay the component side in a
tray filled with cool water (with even a fish pump to
course fluid past the pins) and go to town. If I don't
need to remove the chip, please let me know. Gracias
Then again if anyone can provide a known working
schematic/plan for such a card, that would be all the better.
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