Well, this is either the stupidest thing I've ever done, or a really
cool find that will fill me with joy.
I just won a Friden Flexowriter on eBay (Item #180115571829). I've
been looking for one of these for almost ten years, and up popped
this one, with no bids but mine. It's almost local, so I'll be
picking it up in person to avoid shipping. It'll cost more in
gasoline, but it should protect against the danger of shipping damage.
I'd love to hear from anyone else who has one, or who has worked on
one. I've downloaded the MIT memos regarding the operation of the
PDP-1 and TX-0 Flexowriters from Bitsavers, but that's literally all
the documentation I have. I'm not even sure what character set this
one has -- it is lacking the upper-case symbols on the number keys,
for instance, and the "1" key seems to be on the right ("2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1"). I understand they were frequently customized
with their own character codes, as well.
The Flexowriter in question is "not working", although it looks like
it's in excellent shape physically. I've become quite handy with
typewriter mechanisms recently (don't ask), so I'm hoping that
whatever the problem is is fixable without terrible difficulty. If
not, I'm close to Los Altos Typewriter, who (I believe? I'm not sure
on this) repaired the Soroban console for the Computer History
Museum's PDP-1.
Wish me luck with this potential white elephant.