I've used
409 as well as fantasic and they seem to work fine for most.
Sometime you get a genius that used a refill kit for a differetn brand
(therefore different mix) and the end result is a new part.
I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but does this work for
HP Deskjet cartridges (printhead integral to the cartridge) that are still
full of liquid ink, but refuse to print? If you clean the printhead with
water, they usually never work again. So should I use Fantastic or 409 on a
Q-tip instead of water?
Russ has already responded, but I was referring to the cartridges with the
printhead integral to the cartridge. I've also tried water with not much
success. I would suspect the success of cleaning has to do with the surface
tension of the cleaning fluid; anyone know for sure?