Hi again,
I was thinking of the LGP30 when I asked the question.
It is small.
Something the size of a house is not going to survive.
What you call small... It
has one big disadvantage: It has wheels. So
you can easily move it out to scrap. An immobile little system (little
footprint incredible heavy) would have the best chance to survive I
think ;-)
Sometimes is good enough for me... It was probably not much better when
it was new.
I have seen the Z22 in Karlsruhe only once. At that time (last spring)
they told me that it is not operational at the moment. Other people tell
me that it is powered up and run every sunday. So when I come to
Karlsruhe the next time, I will take a closer look on a sunday.
Best wishes,
Philipp :-)