On May 27, 2016, at 8:52 AM, Swift Griggs
<swiftgriggs at gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 26 May 2016, Bryan C. Everly wrote:
I did work in UNIX on a Series-1 in the telecom
space. It probably
still is in use.
What kind of Unix did they run? There is almost no information on
Wikipedia or elsewhere. I'm just curious because I've heard of PC/IX,
IX/370, and of course I'm *very* famililar with "Ain't Unix" uhhh, I
AIX. :-P I work with it nearly every day. However, I don't know squat
about the Unix that ran on a Series-1.
At this point, I don?t remember the version that IBM was working on (but it
was an early Unix version). It was never shipped. At the time IBM was
developing Unix on the Series/1, it was in negotiations to *purchase* Unix
from AT&T (ie IBM would own Unix rather than
There was a political fight within IBM and the Unix center of competency
moved from Boca Raton, FL to Austin, TX. All of the Series/1 Unix
materials were destroyed at that point (it was a *nasty* fight).
TTFN - Guy