On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Jim Strickland wrote:
Dunno about the build a mainframe from things you
have at home song, but
Frank Hayes' S100 Bus is a hoot. I find myself singing it every time I
get into the guts of a PC, especially the verse:
There's a board for the modem line
and one for every port
and a printer board and a keyboard board
and as a last resort
for every problem we will add
a board that is the cure
it's not too damned efficient
but it's a mother, that's for sure.
Well it's Cheer up me Lads, let your hearts never fuss
When you're implementing systems on the S100 bus.
Someone wrote a friggin song about the S100 bus? Did we just reach new
lows in nerdness?
You should hear "You can build a mainframe from the things you have at home"
and "Mr. Compatibility..."
Anyone know where I can order a copy, I lost mine.
(I hear there's a tape of Star Trek songs by the same guy...)