On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
My assertions are:
1) due to the lack of consensus on fundamental terms, such as what IS a
"personal computer", that each person choosing a "FIRST PC" will
their own set of "requirements", and thus will have a very subjective
<mass snippage>
(Oooooo... they are gonna hate me for this one!) B^}
Ok, I agree with the sentiment that there is no point in continuing this
debate, but it struck me that we can have some fun with it.
Let us conduct a poll amongst attendees. Given the premise that
small/personal/affordable/almost inexpensive/etc. computers are new again,
and they are looking for a computer that they would like to own for
personal use (avoiding the phrase "personal computer" at all costs), what
machine (among those on display) would they select for their use.
The winner could then be designated the 'Official' VCF III "Computer for
Personal Use". (until the following year)
BASIC rules: (pun intended)
1) The unit must be functioning so that prospective voters can 'test
drive' it (or at least view a running demo). A list/plaquard with
description and specifications of the unit should be part of the display.
2) If the unit is available for interactive use, it must be running some
O.S./Language that was originally available for the unit and stands a
chance of being recognized by a casual viewer. (so yes, an IBM 5110 could
be running APL, but would that endear it to the masses?)
3) The unit and associated peripherals should be 'unadorned' beyond its
original styling and configuration. (no undocumentable psycho '70s black
light paint jobs)
4) The unit and its associated peripherals should be proper
contemporaries. (no 1970 PDP-8s adorned with an SGI as a graphics engine)
5) Balloting will be by mark-sense form ("class, take out your #2 pencils,
and fill in the bubbles completely!"), and will be processed on
appropriately vintage equipment at Noon on Sunday.
Prizes for the winner (as if the honor of the designation is not
sufficient) are yet to be determined. But when you get it, it's gonna be
Additional thoughts/comments welcome! Mayhaps this will encourage more
folks to have their gear in operation!
The Computer Garage -
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
>> Coming soon to
www.computergarage.org - the
CBBS/NW on-line archives
>> Coming to VCF III (2-3 October 1999) - CBBS/NW