On Mon, 02 Mar 2009 12:46:30 -0700, Richard wrote:
Well, the previous discussions along this line talked
about removing
the laminated front with a nichrome wire. I believe at least one list
member reported using this technique. The question is what did they
do after that? Did they reapply some sort of PVA type material? I
don't see how you could do that in a way and keep the thickness
uniform, but what do I know? Maybe there's an easy way to keep the
thickenss uniform and then you can repair the safety as well as the
Keeping the gap uniform is an easy task, compaired to getting the bubbles
out of anything you try to fill the gap with.
In a perfect world, I would hang the tube face down over a heat source.
and fill the lense gap from the sides.
Removing the heat for this magical goo to set up after filling out the voids.
second thought, as for the "goo" maby something that uses UV to set up ?