Tim Shoppa wrote:
Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at
yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Out of interest, anyone know how many ZX80s were
sold as kits? This one's a
factory-built one, complete with original ZX80 PSU. The heatsink for the
regulator gets pretty hot, and that's even without the RAM pack plugged in...
Mine was sold as a kit, but came assembled! They had run out of kits
and giving those who had paid for a kit the pre-assembled ones. I was
slightly disappointed. This was at the end of the ZX80 era right before
the ZX81.
That is a shame - I imagine to a lot of people the aim was the fun in
assembling a kit, rather than the cost saving...
I did a google search and looked on Wikipedia but some
of the details
there do NOT match my memory. They say there were only 50,000 ZX80's sold
and this seems to be a ridiculously low number for a mass-market
machine sold through many different channels.
I think you're right and that only applies to UK machines; other sites I've
seen suggest that the total number produced and sold worldwide was over 100,000.
It's interesting how rare they seem to be considering those sales figures - I
mean there are plenty of other machines around where sales were only a
fraction of that and yet there's still a healthy number in private hands.
A. Because it destroys the natural flow of conversation.
Q. What's wrong with top posting ?