Anyone have one of these in use and could possibly
be a source for a
copy of the manual, disks, etc? Just bought one on auction but of course
no docs or software and this is NOT SCSI to the server, it works on the
LAN and has SCSI drives in it. Even if someone can send me the manual so
I can scan or copy it and send it back that would be great too and maybe
I might have something excess here (besdies actual cash to pay the
shipping and materials back) to express my thanks. Russ Blakeman
Clarkson, KY USA
I bought a MicroTest Discport at the last TRW, mine is just the put a CD
ROM on the net box, but when I hunted I thought I found MicroTest was still
around. OTOH I don't seem to have any software, so maybe they don't support
it anymore ? If you find something let me know too.