At 11:58 AM 8/16/98 +0100, you wrote:
What I want to
do is transfer the data off of those packs onto disk images
using one of my MV2's. This isn't a problem as I've done it before, what
concerns me is the safety of doing it since the packs are "Red".
That red marker means that the pack has been dropped or otherwise
subjected to shock. It's possible that the platter is distorted enough to
cause a headcrash. And it's quite possible (in fact _very_ likely) that
the pack will be fine.
Personally, I'd be inclined to try them - once. Keep a finger on the load
button and spin down if you get any unusual sounds. The heads _might_ be
OK if you do that.
Well... having had to deal with this situation a number of times, I'd add
one more comment. From the time you press 'load', you have about 15-20
seconds before the heads load.
When I'm dealing with unknown packs with the 'shockwatch' tripped, (after a
close visual inspection) I keep a hand lightly on the drive while it is
spinning up to help detect unusual vibrations. (you get used to the normal
'feel' after a while) A badly pranged pack will often give itself away in
time to abort the load (and save the heads).
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