Rumor has it that Jeff Hellige may have mentioned these words:
If you paid
$500 for a Sony some time back
you should consider getting something for $200
now. Pick a name brand. You will be amazed
at the improvement. 640x480=0.3 MPixels, that's
3 to 7 times worse. You get what you pay for.
Agreed. My point though was that for quick shots, such as
checking layouts without the time spent waiting for film or other types
of things that people would generally use a Polariod for, it's a good
deal. With one of the MMC cards, you also get quite a large number of
shots, approx. 300, without carting all the film around. I imagine for
serious work, my A-1 will do me for quite a while yet.
I've always loved my Canon T50, which I will admit has been a *fantastic*
camera, along with my T70, which I sold to my father to give to his
girlfriend for Xmas '00 - which I no longer needed after I got the T50
repaired [wifey put her finger thru the shutter :-( ]) I got it over 10
years ago, when I graduated Army boot camp.
My new digital camera, a Nikon Coolpix 5000, is definitely the way to go.
It's frelling cool! 2560x1920 pictures, that look really awesome, and more
gadgets & gizmos & menus than you can shake a stick at.
The damn thing has Picture in Picture!
Definitely cooler than my Epson photo 3000z, which [ahem] my wife broke...
Oh, and I learned that my camera is *linux* compatible! The SCSI emulation
drivers will emulate a scsi drive over USB as well as over IDE - all I have
to do is plug in the USB cable & mount /dev/sda1 ! That is *so* cool...
So when I have a little time after I move, I'll be taking pictures of my
classic machines for archiving...
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger --- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right??? Ok, so I'll recycle an *older* .sig.
(circa 1997!) Why does Hershey's put nutritional information on
their candy bar wrappers when there's no nutritional value within?