Thanks for the response...
>>You say the other keys don't do the
right thing. Do they do _anything_?
>> In particular, when you press a key, the
distributor brush should spin
>> round once. Does it? If not, it indicates a mechanical problem in the
>> linkage or the clutch.
The keys do Nothing (although I can see the armatures freely moving up and
down. The rotor does NOT move at all. The break key DOES cause it to "space
If pressing a key doesn't cause the distributor to spin, then there's a
mechanical problem. You want to investigate the linkage that starts at
the ekyboard (the metal strip that the H-plate slots into should
turn counterclockwise seen from the left side when you press a key, and
is returned to the clcokwise position by the H-plate). Then trace the
linkage via the H-plate to the clutch at the back. This should engage
when the key is pressed.
out", as expected. Putting the device in line,
does NOT cause it to space
out. In my mind this indicates that the selector magnet is functional...IS
YEs, it sounds like the selector is OK.