If you remove the heads, then you have to align them. Several times in
Only if you require the packs to be interchanageable with ones formatted
on other drives, and IIRC the OP says he doesn't care about that.
There are 4 allen setscrews on top of the carriage. Each head has a
locking clamp screw and an adjustment screw which pushes agains the
tpaered tail of the head to move it towards the spindle when you are
doing an alignment.
If you are goign to be refitting the same heads, I'd leave the heads
locked to the carrage and carefully screw in the adjusting screws so that
theyu touch the head tails. Lock the addusting screws in that position (I
think running a suitable nut -- probably 4-40 or 6-32 UNC -- onto the
screw will do it [1]) and then undo the clocking screws. Slide out the
heads and clean/inspect. Put them hack in so that the tails are again
afgains the alignemet screws. Tighten the lockign scress, remove the
temorare nuts, and back out the adjustment screws a little bit.
[1] You will need to get some UNC fasteners if you work on DEC machines.
These are non-trivial to get in the UK, and I asusme elsewhere in Europe.
I eneded up buiying them from Digikey.
One other thing. No matter what the manual says, you can remvoe the
positioner assembly (and for that matter the spindle) and put them back
without needing to do an alignmetn. To rmeove the positioner, disconnect
the head wires from teh PCB in the logic cage (through the hole in the
side of the cage), unplug the positioenr coil from the servo amplifer
board, and disconnect the wires from the postion transduer from the
tagstrip next to the postioner (faston terminals). Take out the 3 large
cap-head screws on the underside of the driv and lift the complete
postioner up and out. It's al ot easier to work on it out of the drive
the field I have unfolded a tex pad, placed it between
the heads and
hand launched them. Carefully sliding the pad back and forth cleans
the heads and most of the time removes any oxide. A small tool can be
used for stubborn oxide. I haven't read all of the replies, but is the
pack beyond cleaning? Do you have access to another?
Alas tyhe OP's back has a serious headcrash at the outside edge...