From: hilpert at
On 2010 Aug 22, at 6:52 AM, dwight elvey wrote:
There was a RACAL that I liked a lot as well (
can't recall the name
but I do recall almost being killed by one that I was tuning the
IF strip ).
The RACAL RA-117 perhaps? Implements the Wadley Loop tuning system.
High-end contemporary of, and competitor to, the R-390, in attempting
precision tuning before practical implementations of the PLL.
I've been rebuilding a couple of them of late:
Yep, that's the one. When tuning the 115MHz IF ( forget the exact freq ),
you can't use an insulated tuning wound without breaking it. So
one resorts to a metal one. This is fine until one reaches the last
one connected to the plate. Then if your stupid enough to have your
elbow on the chasis and hand guiding the screwdriver into the hole,
you get zapped.
The only excuse I have is that it was the middle of the night.